Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednsday travel

Another Morning of up at five but not on the road till later. Decided to take it a bit slower to day - don't want to kill off the navigator. Oh that's right I have a GPS for that now. Well we finally got on the road and then stopped an hour later to top off with gas. The cheapest was $219/Gallon. We had turned off of I-80 to I-84 heading towards Ogden and bypassing Salt Lake. I've been there before and Joan said they wouldn't have any of her genealogy there. As we pulled off to get gas there was a place to change oil - the RV needs it bad. They couldn't due it. So we went to have breakfast. While sitting there I found a place that would change it at a reasonable price. The neat thing is that it was right down the street from Hill Air Force Base. Great Air Museum there. No I didn't get to go - guess who asked after I was back on the road for a hour heading towards Boise ID. We are forty miles short of there at Mountain Home AFB. They have F-15's here. It is great to hear the sound of Freedom again! I truly miss it!!! We should be at the last part of our first leg tomorrow (Thursday)

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